
Delve into the world of Fitness and Wellness!

Delve Into The World Of Fitness And Wellness

The world today looks and feels brand new.
Work-from-home is the norm, and health is priority now more than ever.

The world today looks and feels brand new. Work-from-home is the norm, and health is priority now more than ever.

In this transformed culture, employee fitness and employee wellness is your secret to a mentally and physically active, productive workforce. And TheNewMe + is your one stop shop for all things fitness and wellness, even while your employees are tied to their home offices through our customised and result- oriented solutions. We give you time-bound, measurable results, and ensure your employees are smiling all the way through!

thenewme+ Features

Fitness Analysis

Fitness Analysis - Wellness Associates

Nutrition Coach

Nutrition Coach - Wellness Associates

Fitness Coach

Fitness Coach - Wellness Associates


Mental Wellness Coach - Wellness Associates

Fun and Fitness Challenges

Fun and Fitness challenges - Wellness Associates

Continuous Online Support

Continuous Online Support - Wellness Associates