Mindfulness at Workplace



   March 16, 2022
Mindfulness at Workplace - 13 - Corporate Employee Health & Wellness Blog

“Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that get in the way of direct experience. Often such stories treat a fleeting state of mind as if it were our entire and permanent self.” -Sharon Salzberg, Author & Teacher Mindfulness can be described as a ‘present-focused consciousness’ meaning individuals who are not contemplating about the past or worrying about the future; they are simply living in the present, here and now. In simpler words, it is our ability to stay focused yet flexible and is a way of reprogramming the mind to think in a healthier, less stressful way. Mindfulness in the workplace is becoming more important as we transform from a manufacturing to a knowledge-based economy. In a manufacturing economy, the body was the primary means of production. But in a knowledge economy, it is the brain. Mindfulness has a multitude of benefits for workplaces and businesses that affect employee performance and well-being including response flexibility, decreased absenteeism, empathy, increased self-determination, persistence and improved working memory. Listed below are few benefits that the practice of mindfulness can have on the employees: 1. Enhanced Employee Engagement- Mindfulness in the workplace enhances employee engagement and decreases burnout. Mindfulness has been shown to relate both to increased performance and decreased intention of turnover. Employees who practice being mindful are therefore more likely to show greater acceptance of colleagues without reactivity. 2. Improved Workplace Relationships- Positive workplace relationships can have a significant impact as they absorb the effects of workplace stressors, promote thriving in colleagues, foster communication, creativity and collaborative behaviours. Mindfulness promotes positive social connections in the workplace through a number of integral mindfulness processes, but most especially empathy and response flexibility. 3. Enhanced Task Performance- The way that mindfulness is implicated in workplace performance is dependent on the nature of the task, and the environmental factors of the work. It promotes better decision making, with decision biases being less likely due to attention to the present environment and reduced overthinking. 4. Job Satisfaction and Motivation- Mindfulness facilitates more adaptive evaluations of work stressors. When something challenging happens at work, a mindful employee will not simply react and judge what is happening emotionally, rather they will consider it with a more holistic and informed approach. They will be more likely to take up challenges and show higher levels of motivation, in times of adversity. 5. Increases Adaptability- Being able to adapt quickly and efficiently at work is essential. Mindfulness helps in acclimating to new situations and handling multiple demands. The more you practice and expose yourself to different ways of doing things, to learning, and to gaining confidence in uncertainty, the more adaptable you will be. 6. Improved Mental Well-being - Practising mindfulness techniques at the workplace lead to several benefits including improved self- awareness, self-management, self-regulation, greater focus, concentration, memory, learning ability, creativity, effective communication and ability to listen more attentively and be present. It’s important to note that mindfulness is not a quick fix, or a few tips here and there. It’s an ongoing practice and a skill – like playing an instrument – that has many elements to it and builds over time. Few quick ways to be more mindful at work include being a single tasker, being consciously present, taking small breaks, practicing acceptance and starting your work with the right intention! At Wellness Associates, we provide several workshops and programs that focus on mindfulness, meditation and overall employee wellbeing.
